I have known a couple of wolves,
and they were pretty socialized
animals, but they also did have
their own agenda, which might
or might not include you
as a human in their plans.
The most striking difference
between dogs and wolves was
the wolves’ lack of being
affected by what you
thought of them.
Dogs always care and want
to know you are pleased
with them – and adult wolves
could pretty much care less
what your needs were. It's
part of why wolves have
I have experienced exceptions
I have experienced exceptions
to that lack of care. One of the
wolves I knew I accepted the
wolves I knew I accepted the
responsibility to take care of as
a house sitter for six weeks
a house sitter for six weeks
while her people traveled. Of
course I had been friends
with the wolf, having met her
previously. But I did not really
previously. But I did not really
appreciate how the wolf had
accepted me into the pack as
accepted me into the pack as
a “family” member when I
began to take care of her.
Ten days into taking care of
the wolf, I got some very bad
news that a former boyfriend
of mine had committed suicide.
I was on the phone for days
helping my ex’s relatives find
places to stay when they
arrived from out of state. Our
ten year relationship had continued
with his family, despite the two of
us breaking up the five years
previous to his death. Of course,
previous to his death. Of course,
there were many cleanup details
of sorting out the loose ends of an
end of life scenario.
The strange thing was, with the
The strange thing was, with the
wolf and I having spent only ten
days together, for three days
following the news, that wolf
did not leave my side when I was
with her. I was both touched and
shocked to have become adopted
as a pack member by her so
absolutely as was evidenced by
this wolf’s actions. The wolf was a
source of solace by matching my
state of mind and then transitioning
me out of it better than any ever-enthusiastic
doe-eyed dog could have been. I’d
doe-eyed dog could have been. I’d
never experienced anything like it
then or since.
Strangely enough, this experience
Strangely enough, this experience
with the wolf made me understand
how many advantages there were to
how many advantages there were to
tempering my blinding enthusiasm
with a little friendly reserve. I began
with a little friendly reserve. I began
to show certain others with my actions
their relative importance to me, and
people responded.
People in my community took me
People in my community took me
so much more intentionally (even
when I wasn’t serious) as I made
when I wasn’t serious) as I made
these changes in being aware of
how I affected them. It was quite
how I affected them. It was quite
a rite of passage for me.
But maybe there was perhaps
But maybe there was perhaps
another thing going on entirely...
Have you had experiences with
Have you had experiences with
a wolf?